Agreed, limiting the Thread Number is not a really good solution.
Actually to opposite approach might be better: consider packing as much work as possible into one Query isntead of splitting it over as many Queries as possible.
The basic rules for DB access from Code:
Do as few querries as possible, pack as much work into one Query as possible, while retrieving as little data as you need. Compared to your other code DB-access is very costly and splitting them up only increases the cost.
Could it be that you ran into a Timeout or OutOfMemory Exception while doing the work in one run?
The Command Timeout can be increased:
While a OOM is better solved by using paging (retrieving a smaller group at once, isntead all at once or all seperately) or reducing the number of Rows retreived:
If this is only about not locking up the UI, use one Thread to do all the rerieval work in one go.
In any case we need a lot more details about what you are doing to give any specific advice.
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