Friday, May 31, 2013

help with complex query

Here is one way:

select Legend='Status 1', count(Weigh),sum(Weigh) from myTable where id=120 and status=0
select Legend='Status 2',count(Weigh),sum(Weigh) from myTable where id=120 and status=2
select Legend='Status 3',count(Weigh),sum(Weigh) from myTable where id=120 and status=3

Kalman Toth Database & OLAP Architect

New Book / Kindle: Pass SQL Exam 70-461 & Job Interview: Programming SQL Server 2012

I have created one report that contain two datasets?

I have one report item that can be used 2/3 datasets into a single report hw can we take those data sets into my report can some one tell me exact soluction step by step

Send Email with Attachment - Sharepoint 2010

I am trying to create a workflow which can send email with attachments. Also would it be possible to use InfoPath to submit the form and the attachment to the SP and send an email with the attachment simultaneously?



is it possible to implement filestream on shared hosting server

hi all

can i know, is it possible to implement file stream on shared hosting server, any difficulty occurs

is it possible to implement filestream on shared hosting server

Is it possible: Yes.

Can difficulties or problems arise: Yes as it's a shared server. But when it is a well managed server then the it should not be a problem.

is it possible to implement filestream on shared hosting server


How to Embed flash swf in Sharepoint Master page

How to Embed flash swf in Sharepoint Master page

Can you view the flash file in the normal web page?


Set permanent location for images in windows 8 app


So I created my windows 8 app and it runs fine, but the problem I am having is that whenever I put an image in its own grid or in a view box control but still the images that are on the edges always end up being skewed or moved up into a location I did not place it when I made it. I created it using the 1366x768 resolution and when I try to test it those images are skewed.

How do I set a permanent location for these images so that they adjust in whatever resolution they are in?

Thanks guys!

MS Dynamics Ax 2009 - Quries/Views

In dynamics you are requested to use fetch xml to get data, you can write quries but be aware of locking senarios.

Rakesh Jayaram

Transparency is not transparent for a fraction of a second

Yes that is fine. That jump is really giving a flash thing. As I can see from Storyboard you are changing buttonYImage transformation at different times. Can you tell what exactly you are trying to accomplish? Maybe editing button style visual states may help you?



My Samples |Personal Website

ANSI_NULLS configuration

>query with "where col1=NULL"

Correct syntax: where col1 is NULL

Kalman Toth Database & OLAP Architect

New Book / Kindle: Pass SQL Exam 70-461 & Job Interview: Programming SQL Server 2012

ANSI_NULLS configuration

You should not be using this incorrect setting. You need to fix your queries instead.

For every expert, there is an equal and opposite expert. - Becker's Law

My blog

SSRS Scale-out deployment: The request failed with HTTP status 401: Unauthorized


Try this link -

sathya --------- Mark as answered if my post solved your problem and Vote as helpful if my post was useful.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Listview SelectedItem

The listview data I get from my WCF service application bind to it. Than when i select in the listview it should display in the textbox but it display wrongly.


Listview SelectedItem

This is because you have used Element binding but did not give path of property

<Grid Background="{StaticResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}">
<ListView x:Name="MyListView" Grid.Column="0" ItemsSource="{Binding WebServiceDataCollection}">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding UserName}"/>
<StackPanel Grid.Column="1">
<TextBox Text="{Binding ElementName=MyListView, Path=SelectedItem.UserName }"/>

-- Vishal Kaushik --

Please 'Mark as Answer' if my post answers your question and 'Vote as Helpful' if it helps you.

Happy Coding!!!

Listview SelectedItem

Thanks for replying but below the textbox there is three buttons. I can add the data into the sql server through the wcf and it will display in the listview. Another two is update and delete button when i clicked on the listview it will display in the textbox where i can edit and update and delete the selected data on the listview. I did the wcf service but my textbox = listview.selecteditem still not working. Thanks.


protect .xlsm file sheet

anybody has any clue?

protect .xlsm file sheet

Try this..

missing, missing, missing, missing, missing, missing, missing, missing,
missing, missing, missing, missing, true, missing, missing);



Please use Marked as Answer if my post solved your problem and use Vote As Helpful if a post was useful.

Number of days patient was on ventilator

Try this,

declare @temp table (patent_id int, visit_id int, [name of PR] nvarchar(100),ventilator_StartDate datetime, ventilator_StopDate datetime)
insert into @temp values(1,100,'Adult Ventilator',getdate()-10,getdate()-8)
insert into @temp values(1,100,'Adult Ventilator',getdate()-8,getdate()-8)
insert into @temp values(3,100,'Adult Ventilator','02/05/2013','02/11/2013')
insert into @temp values(3,100,'Adult Ventilator','02/11/2013','02/11/2013')
insert into @temp values(4,100,'Adult Ventilator','01/18/2013','01/20/2013')
insert into @temp values(4,100,'Adult Ventilator','01/20/2013','01/23/2013')
select patent_id, visit_id, [name of PR],datediff(d,min(ventilator_StartDate), max(ventilator_StopDate))+1 as Days
from @temp
group by patent_id, visit_id, [name of PR]

Regards, RSingh

Number of days patient was on ventilator

declare @datetable table (dateval date);
declare @cur date = '20120101';
while @cur < '20140101'
insert @datetable values (@cur);
set @cur = dateadd(day, 1, @cur);
declare @temp table (patent_id int, visit_id int, [name of PR] nvarchar(100),ventilator_StartDate datetime, ventilator_StopDate datetime)
insert into @temp values(1,100,'Adult Ventilator',getdate()-10,getdate()-8)
insert into @temp values(1,100,'Adult Ventilator',getdate()-8,getdate()-8)
insert into @temp values(3,100,'Adult Ventilator','02/05/2013','02/11/2013')
insert into @temp values(3,100,'Adult Ventilator','02/11/2013','02/11/2013')
insert into @temp values(4,100,'Adult Ventilator','01/18/2013','01/20/2013')
insert into @temp values(4,100,'Adult Ventilator','01/20/2013','01/23/2013')
select patent_id, count( Distinct d.dateval) as numRows
from @datetable d
inner join
@temp as t
on d.dateval between ventilator_StartDate and ventilator_StopDate
group by patent_id

This version deals with non-contiguous start and stop dates.

Russel Loski, MCT, MCSA SQL Server 2012, 2008, MCITP Business Intelligence Developer and Database Developer 2008 Twitter: @sqlmovers; blog:

Number of days patient was on ventilator

Try this. This takes care of non contiguous dates too.

declare @Tbl table (patent_id int, visit_id int, [name of PR] nvarchar(100),ventilator_StartDate datetime, ventilator_StopDate datetime)
insert into @Tbl values(1,100,'Adult Ventilator','02/05/2013','02/07/2013')
insert into @Tbl values(1,100,'Adult Ventilator','02/09/2013','02/10/2013')
insert into @Tbl values(3,100,'Adult Ventilator','02/05/2013','02/11/2013')
insert into @Tbl values(3,100,'Adult Ventilator','02/11/2013','02/11/2013')
insert into @Tbl values(4,100,'Adult Ventilator','01/18/2013','01/20/2013')
insert into @Tbl values(4,100,'Adult Ventilator','01/20/2013','01/23/2013')

select patent_id, visit_id, [name of PR]
, case when ventilator_StartDate = ventilator_StopDate then 1 else datediff(d,ventilator_StartDate,ventilator_StopDate)+1 end Days
from @Tbl

How to get gridview with variable sized gridview items?

Hi ,

Yes I had the same problem and I had to deal with it with a different way.

In my case there were buttons.

Take a look at this.

Of course I used variable grid size and rowspan and colspan but if you read it carefully I'm using a button which I make visible to get its size and then invisible . And all this according to the content it has inside. I wanted the content to be the "controller" of what size I will give to my buttons.

Hope the links will help you.

thank you

The full path must be less than 260 characters long - Case RS on SharePoint 2010 mode

I have SharePoint 2010 and SQL Server 2008 R2 in single server.

This is new environment. I have configured report services and sharepoint libraries. Reporting Services Configuration Manager confirms that Report Server Mode is SharePint integrated.

Now I have created a report with Visual Studio. Reports looks fine in Preview. The name of report is ABCDE Test Report.rdl

When I click Deploy I get following error. What is wrong?

The path of the item '/http://dev/sites/CompanySite/RaportLibrary/Forms/AllItems.aspx' is not valid. The full path must be less than 260 characters long; other restrictions apply. If the report server is in native mode, the path must start with slash.


The full path must be less than 260 characters long - Case RS on SharePoint 2010 mode

Hi Kenny_I,

Give the path of the item as http://dev/sites/CompanySite/RaportLibrary and Check.

Thanks in advance, Akhila Vasishta

The full path must be less than 260 characters long - Case RS on SharePoint 2010 mode

I removed /Forms/AllItems.aspx, but still having problem.


The full path must be less than 260 characters long - Case RS on SharePoint 2010 mode

Can you please share the screen shot of the error message.

Thanks in advance, Akhila Vasishta

Pushing Stored Procedure output into #temp table with out using openrowset

Why don't you go for select * into temptable and then output that result. Below is a sample record.

create table testtable
id int identity(1,1),
name varchar(100)

insert into testtable select 'a'
insert into testtable select 'b'

select name into #outputtable from testtable

select * from #outputtable

drop table #outputtable

drop table testtable

Please mark as helpful and propose as answer if you find this as correct!!! Thanks, Rakesh.

Pushing Stored Procedure output into #temp table with out using openrowset

try this


INTO #tmpBus



Pushing Stored Procedure output into #temp table with out using openrowset


You can use SET FMTONLY ON/OFF or you can use the new recommended way to do that: sp_describe_first_result_set/sys.dm_exec_describe_first_result_set.

And after create dynamically the #temporary table and call again the procedure.

The disadvantage is that you run twice the proc, and this work only if you have only one result set.

It should work but it's very ugly



Pushing Stored Procedure output into #temp table with out using openrowset

Hi Alex,

Thank you for your prompt response.

But i am sorry to say that i am unable to work on your solution which is slightly unknown to me. The other replies which i have got looks like it is not feasible.

So would appreciate if you can elaborate on the same a little bit more .



Venkat Chennai image

Did you debugged to check the path & image name is fetching correct ? Do u get any exception?



Please use Marked as Answer if my post solved your problem and use Vote As Helpful if a post was useful. image

In the browser, Use View Source and find your Image tag and check it is having the expected Image URL

Muthukrishnan Ramasamy

Use only what you need, Reduce global warming

Two Column Report Based on Multiples of Integers

check this,

create table #test (column1 Int identity(1,1),Column2 varchar(10))

insert into #test default values
go 102


update #test
set Column2 = case
when column1%4 = 0 AND column1%7 = 0 then 'green'
when column1%4 = 0 then 'blue'
when column1%7 = 0 then 'yellow'
else Column2
select * from #test



Please use Marked as Answer if my post solved your problem and use Vote As Helpful if a post was useful.

Two Column Report Based on Multiples of Integers

Dear Donnie

You want to generate a report, so you need a query that perform as fast as possible. In the other hand, we do not want to use a temp table or table variable, if it's possible. This solution have both.

;with set1 as (
select 0 as number
union all
select 1
union all
select 2
union all
select 3
union all
select 4
union all
select 5
union all
select 6
union all
select 7
union all
select 8
union all
select 9
), set2 as (
t1.number + t2.number*10 + t3.number*100 as [Column 1]
set1 as t1,
set1 as t2,
set1 as t3
( t1.number + t2.number*10 + t3.number*100 ) <= 102
[Column 1] ,
[Column 2] = case
when [Column 1] % 4 = 0 and [Column 1] % 7 = 0 then 'green'
when [Column 1] % 4 = 0 then 'blue'
when [Column 1] % 7 = 0 then 'yellow'
else NULL
set2 ;



What is Sparse columns in SQL Server?


What is Sparse columns in SQL Server?

Thanks Shiven:) If Answer is Helpful, Please Vote

What is Sparse columns in SQL Server?

What is Sparse columns in SQL Server?


I think there is another thread on sparse may follow it up:

Please use Marked as Answer if my post solved your problem and use Vote As Helpful if a post was useful.

What is Sparse columns in SQL Server?

SPARSE column are better at managing NULL and ZERO values in SQL Server. It does not take any space in database at all. If column is created with SPARSE clause with it and it contains ZERO or NULL it will be take lesser space then regular column (without SPARSE clause).

In SQL Server 2008 maximum column allowed per table is 1024. All the SPARSE columns does not count to this limit of 1024. The maximum limit of SPARSE column is 100,000. In summary any table can have maximum of 100,000 SPARSE and 1024 regular columns.

Let us see following example of how SPARSE column saves space in database table.

FirstCol INT,
SecondCol VARCHAR(100),
ThirdCol SmallDateTime)
SecondCol VARCHAR(100) SPARSE,
ThirdCol SmallDateTime SPARSE)
DECLARE @idx INT = 0
WHILE @idx < 50000
SET @idx+=1
sp_spaceused 'UnSparsed'
sp_spaceused 'Sparsed'

Many Thanks & Best Regards, Hua Min

How to Drag and Drop text boxes to a canvas (C#)

<Canvas x:Name="piccanvas" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="460" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="611" Margin="0,10,0,0">
<ImageBrush Stretch="Fill" ImageSource="/images/Picture1.jpg"/>
<StackPanel x:Name="wordspanel" Height="376" Canvas.Left="622" Canvas.Top="2" Width="100">
<TextBox x:Name="txtapple" Height="72" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="苹果" IsReadOnly="True"/>
<TextBox x:Name="txtbanana" Height="72" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="香蕉" IsReadOnly="True"/>
<TextBox x:Name="txtorange" Height="72" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="橙子" IsReadOnly="True"/>
<TextBox x:Name="txtpineapple" Height="72" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="菠萝" IsReadOnly="True"/>
<TextBox x:Name="txtgrapes" Height="72" TextWrapping="Wrap" Text="葡萄" IsReadOnly="True"/>
<Button x:Name="gamepageconfirmbtn" Content="确定" Canvas.Left="602" Canvas.Top="383" Height="82" Width="132"/>

What i want is to drag the words for example apple to the position(x,y coord) of apple in the image, if it`s not the correct place , then i will go back to the stackpanel

However, i can not find the DragEnter event handler in the text boxes properties, so not sure how to do the drap and drop

I`m programming windows phone os 8.0 native apps(c#), .net framework 4.5

thx in advance

Sub Report only showing first selection when using a multi select parameter

Refer the below screenshot, IN operator is used to select multiple values in parameter.

Regards, RSingh

SSRS Dashboards in Mobile

Which mobile you are trying to show SSRS reports? you can not directly see SSSR report in mobile . For Windows 7/ 8 OS mobile you can use .net web page and call SSRS report then create a silverlite win app application to call this link .

help ful links

Reserved SharePoint Query string IDs


How to use Reserved SharePoint Query string IDs such as ID in Query String (when i use ID as Query string showing blank screen ) and for Calculated Column ( while editing calculated field is 0 , the formula used is =[ID] )


How to restrict Dual login in C# Winforms Application

You have to write application logic to verify dual login.

Use a mapping table to map user with terminal. (User ID and machine ip or Name)

Muthukrishnan Ramasamy

Use only what you need, Reduce global warming

How to restrict Dual login in C# Winforms Application


Thanks for reply

The solution you provided can be used when i want the user to login on the terminal where is logged in for the first time.

But my question is if user A logs in on Terminal A, then he tries to login on Terminal B, he would receive a message you already logged in on another terminal. Now when User A logs off from Terminal A and then logs in on Terminal B, he would be able to login on terminal B and not able to login on Terminal A.

Joing two databases and then Outer Joining

Hi ,

I;m fairly new at SQL 2012 so hopefully someone can help me.

I've been asked to do the following on some tables and could use some input.

I want join fron database A table1 and table2.

I would assume that I need to look at these table and determine what is the common primary key.

Then after joining these tables I need to "outer join" Table 1 and 2 to database B table 3

I thought to use Management studio. would this be the correct join cpmmand?

select table1, table2

From Database A

Where primary key = primary key

I don't know how to write the outer join statement from here. Any suggestions?




Joing two databases and then Outer Joining


SELECT a.PK_column, b.usersFirstName, b.usersLastName FROM databaseA.dbo.TableA a left join database B.dbo.TableB b ON a.PK_column=b.PK_column

Many Thanks & Best Regards, Hua Min

What is Sparse columns in SQL Server?


What is Sparse columns in SQL Server?

Thanks Shiven:) If Answer is Helpful, Please Vote

What is Sparse columns in SQL Server?

What is Sparse columns in SQL Server?


I think there is another thread on sparse may follow it up:

Please use Marked as Answer if my post solved your problem and use Vote As Helpful if a post was useful.

SSRS standard subscription - Dymanic Data

Hi Ram,

Both are preferable it depends upon what you want to achieve in reports. You can have Todays date as a parameter as Today() in the expression..

Recursive function VB to C#

Why did you remove the DirectoryList parameter? It is essential to building the result for your recursion.

Try doing a straight line-by-line translation (except for that 'On Error Resume Next' - you should translate that into a try with an empty catch around the Directory.GetDirectories)

Paul Linton

Recursive function VB to C#

No need for a function (either in C# or VB.Net) simply use GetDirectories overload with a SearchOption set on AllDirectories or same thing with EnumerateDirectories for deferred lazy evaluation.


Forgive my writing, English isn't my native language.

Radio button list


Can you show us your solution? Maybe there's something on your code that triggers it.

Maybe you can have !IsPostBack inside your loading event

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
radiolist1.Items[1].Selected = true;


Failure is not the worst thing in the world. The very worst is not to try. Email Address :

Radio button list

Thank you very much, your code works

Merging two rows into single row

How do you corelate with Feb and MAr? Whats the significance of scenario?

Please help us to help you better.

Please use Marked as Answer if my post solved your problem and use Vote As Helpful if a post was useful.

Merging two rows into single row

see if ISNULL and COLSACE help you in that case i didt get question still completely.

Merging two rows into single row

Try the below:

Drop table T11,T12
Create Table T11(Col1 int,Col2 int)
Insert into T11 Values (100,101),(1234,1235)
Create Table T12(S1 int,S2 int)
Insert into T12
Create Table #Result(Col1 int,Col2 int)
;With cte
Select *,ROW_NUMBER()Over(partition by A.Col1 Order by B.S2 desc) Rn From T11 A
Inner Join T12 B on (A.Col1 = B.S1 OR A.Col2 = B.S1)
)Insert Into #Result(Col1,Col2)
Select Case when S1 = Col1 Then Col1 Else Col2 End,
From cte Where Rn=1

Please use Marked as Answer if my post solved your problem and use Vote As Helpful if a post was useful.

How to Determine if Anyone is Using a Database?

You can use SP_WHO2 'ACTIVE'. That will list the active connections on the database.

is there an Execution Endpoint 2010, or does it go to Execution Endpoint 2005?

Yes reportserver 2005 and 2006 are deprecated from sql2008r2 itself. So, you need to use the 2010 execution endpoint which is available.

for more information :

Rakesh Jayaram

How to get gridview with variable sized gridview items?

Check out the sticky post right above yours!

How To: Create a Variable Sized Grouped GridView (like the store


How to get gridview with variable sized gridview items?

I saw that, but it work on the basis of colspan & rowspan. I need to deal with image's height & width. I tried this code it's not working.

protected override void PrepareContainerForItemOverride(DependencyObject element, object item)
BindingOperations.SetBinding(element, WidthProperty, new Binding { Path = new PropertyPath("imgWidth") });
BindingOperations.SetBinding(element, HeightProperty, new Binding { Path = new PropertyPath("imgHeight") });

base.PrepareContainerForItemOverride(element, item);

decoding string of numbers to bytes word and double word.


Are you looking for string to hex and string to dec conversion, just like the one given below?

int decValue = int.Parse(sMessage, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
szParamValueDec = string.Format("{0:D}", decValue);
szParamValueHex = string.Format("{0:X}", decValue);

decoding string of numbers to bytes word and double word.

All your data has sequence of two bytes.

Use the following code block

int[] ReadFile(string filename) {
return (from line in System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(filename)
from part in line.Trim().Split('.')
select Int32.Parse(part, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber)).ToArray();

Muthukrishnan Ramasamy

Use only what you need, Reduce global warming

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

SQL agent job failed to execute command

Dear Experts,

I can successfully execute the below command in SSMS:

RAISERROR('Deadlock detected, please check SQL error log!', 16, 1) with LOG

However, When I put this command into SQL agent job, it is unable to excute and return the job step failed, are there any body can help to adive me why ? Thks so much.

LoadState and OnNavigatedTo

I tried to put the code from OnNavigatedTo to LoadState and got the error "The given key was not present in the dictionary."

backup of sqlite


how can i take a back of sqlite database?

i mean from c# or could be from other tools.

The full path must be less than 260 characters long - Case RS on SharePoint 2010 mode

I have SharePoint 2010 and SQL Server 2008 R2 in single server.

This is new environment. I have configured report services and sharepoint libraries. Reporting Services Configuration Manager confirms that Report Server Mode is SharePint integrated.

Now I have created a report with Visual Studio. Reports looks fine in Preview. The name of report is ABCDE Test Report.rdl

When I click Deploy I get following error. What is wrong?

The path of the item '/http://dev/sites/CompanySite/RaportLibrary/Forms/AllItems.aspx' is not valid. The full path must be less than 260 characters long; other restrictions apply. If the report server is in native mode, the path must start with slash.


The full path must be less than 260 characters long - Case RS on SharePoint 2010 mode

Hi Kenny_I,

Give the path of the item as http://dev/sites/CompanySite/RaportLibrary and Check.

Thanks in advance, Akhila Vasishta

SharePoint 2010 Foundation Error after deploy incompatible custom solution


So you are saying that the site collection you tried to deploy your solution is the only one not working? So the question here is what are the items you have in your solution? I mean is the solution adding a new page or modifying the master page or something. Because it might change those and you didn't handle the removal of FeatureDeactivating event that is why even if you retract uninstall and remove your solution the code is still in your site collection

Let me know if this helps, Ranjoe

SharePoint 2010 Foundation Error after deploy incompatible custom solution

I deploy the solution at global, but only active it at my main site which having problem.

I did replace my master files(v4.master and default.master) with my backup master files.

For only a few users, on login, SharePoint 2010 returns blank page

Is it really blank? Do a View Source and see what if anything is there.

Is the master page checked in?

Is there anything special about the permissions for these two users? What happens if another user logs in from one of the problem user's PCs?

Mike Smith my SP customization book

For only a few users, on login, SharePoint 2010 returns blank page

I have never experienced it myself, but I've seen a post where somebody told that in his case the cause was the fact that failing users were on a different branch of AD. I am not sure that his case was about blank page, but probably it is cause of your case too.

I don't know whether it could help, but I would try to check User Profile Synchronization settings and do Full User Profile Synchronization.

Hope it helps.


Regards Michael (

Please, don't forget to press upvote (if answer is helpful) and mark as answer (if it solves your issue)

Defrag Output in C#

Sorry if this has been posted somewhere before, but I have several problems when trying to use the Windows disk defragmenter in C#.

I would like to run the defrag.exe process from within my application, and show real-time feedback.

I have written something like the code below:

private void defragAction(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
System.Threading.Thread workT = new System.Threading.Thread(new System.Threading.ThreadStart(new Action(
System.Diagnostics.Process defragProcess = new Process();

defragProcess.StartInfo.FileName = "defrag.exe";
string letter = curInfo.Name.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper();
defragProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = letter + @": -f";
defragProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;
defragProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
defragProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
defragProcess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
defragProcess.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
defragProcess.OutputDataReceived += defragOutputRecieved;
defragProcess.StartInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Normal;


I then have another method to recieve the output:

private void defragOutputRecieved(object sender, DataReceivedEventArgs e)
Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(

The problem is that the output stream is only read when the defrag process has finished or is cancelled. I need real-time user feedback in my application.

I don't understand as Process.BeginOutputReadLine() is supposed to be an asynchronous operation.

Has anyone got any suggestions on how I can make this work?


Page Break between two sub-reports in the same group

Page Break between two sub-reports in the same group

Report Model Data Source Report builder

I do not think report models can be published to anywhere other than a report server.

SMDL files anyways do not hold data. They only contain the definition/connection of the data source that you have developed and the security. For example if I choose only Colum1,colum2, Column3 from table 1, it will contain that definition.. not for the whole table and it's data. data is retrieved at runtime.. Check out this link.

What you can do I create a SMDL file for a snapshot of data in some SQL server database and make that available to users to connect.

- Girija

Report Model Data Source Report builder

Thnx for that

but ya is there a way to connect to SMDL file from report builder without connecting to a reporting services ?

as a direct file on their machine, i don't mind lack of data; the format of data could be enough for now.

The problem is we're not using windows authentication, so that's why need keep data source creation from application side, and since i haven't found a report designer for WPF im hopping some work around report builder would do.

Basically if i could on user request create for him some schema (maybe add some dummy data) in a file. Let user use that as a data-source in report builder. Then when hes done creating report, hell upload it from our application. During that process well do necessary changes to rdl xml format to change data source to actual DB

Report Model Data Source Report builder


I guess there is no way sharing the SMDL with users without deploying it to Report Server (SSRS).

What you can do is Create a snapshot of the schema (or whatever you want to expose to customer) in another server (SQL database), insert some dummy data. Then create a SMDL file on top of the datasource in this server and deploy to SSRS on the same server. Expose the report builder for this server to users and let them create and save the reports.

When you move you just need to change the connection string for datasources and some authentication... That's it.

- Girija

Report Model Data Source Report builder

ya that could be an idea just have to see if that goes along with security requirments

is there any way to use xml data source for report builder, i konw you can create like service end points that return xml file.

But does that mean users will have to write xml query language for ssrs to create datasets or can those also be provided by xml source ?

thnx for help

SharePoint 2010 Foundation Error after deploy incompatible custom solution


SharePoint Foundation doesn't support use of Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing dll and hence the solution which references it will not work.

Even if you deleted and removed the solution, it is possible that the solution has added some entries in the web.config of the site collection application.

Check the web.config file and remove any occurences of Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing dll

Make sure you take the backup of web.config

Regards, Rahul Vartak |

SharePoint 2010 Foundation Error after deploy incompatible custom solution

may i know where to look for the web.config for the site?

I found one at "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\80", i don't think that is the one.

SharePoint 2010 Foundation Error after deploy incompatible custom solution

if your web application is at port 80. you are seeing the right web.config

Let me know if this helps, Ranjoe

SharePoint 2010 Foundation Error after deploy incompatible custom solution


So you are saying that the site collection you tried to deploy your solution is the only one not working? So the question here is what are the items you have in your solution? I mean is the solution adding a new page or modifying the master page or something. Because it might change those and you didn't handle the removal of FeatureDeactivating event that is why even if you retract uninstall and remove your solution the code is still in your site collection

Let me know if this helps, Ranjoe

how to use EntityEditorWithPicker?

Hi Karen,

Check the below url for use the People Editor

---------- Vadivelu B Life with SharePoint

SharePoint DMS

We have the DMS product developed on SharePoint 2010 Server (Standard) using features like Drop off Library and Document Sets. We have a requirement to develop the same product in SharePoint foundation because of the CALs constraints. With this below are two approaches I would like to propose, could someone please help me validate these approaches ?

1) Here we would keep core DMS system in SharePoint server but the data surfacing for end user would happen from the SharePoint foundation sever portal, where we would use the SharePoint OOB web services to pull the data from SharePoint server into SharePoint foundation using system account. Do you think with this we would face any licensing implications because in-directly we are pulling the data from SharePoint server using impersonation ?

2) Here we are planning to redesign the whole system in SharePoint foundation with lesser set of features, but I would like to confirm if SharePoint foundation would still support the same sizing (4TB Content DB) as what is has been expressed in the document below for SharePoint server ?

Thanks in Advance

Ajay Sawant

how can i achieve rs.EOF of vb6 in c#

Guys Pls help me...

"if Not rs.EOF then" is a vb6 line of code

so how can i do this in c#.

Please help me ..

Resource File usage after Builld

Hi All,

I am writing a console application which shows some messages to user based on some business logic.

These messages are from resource file.

When I change the build action from Embedded Resource to some other action. I am not able to debug the application from Visual studio 2010.

And also I want to edit the Value of a some specific Key in the resource file after build.

Suppose I am showing the message in console application as "Hello world"

after deployment I want to change the message to "Hello MSDN"

How to do that with the resource file

Why do you want to change the source after deployment? Doesn't make sense to me.

Kish Learning never ends!! Please don't forget to click "Mark As Answer" for the post in which you found your solution.

SQL agent job failed to execute command

Dear Experts,

I can successfully execute the below command in SSMS:

RAISERROR('Deadlock detected, please check SQL error log!', 16, 1) with LOG

However, When I put this command into SQL agent job, it is unable to excute and return the job step failed, are there any body can help to adive me why ? Thks so much.

mutiple queries in single stored procedure performance

Is it good to have same sp for all features such as filter, getting data, inserting or we should write diferrent sp for all.

mutiple queries in single stored procedure performance

You answered this by yourself.

No, you shouldn't be using a single SP for all these operations. Try to make your SPs as simple as possible and different SPs for different operations, like SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, etc.

~manoj | email:

MCCA 2011 | My FB Page

Why Windows Store App shows black screen?

I have a problem with my Windows Store App Car Buddy. Microsoft Support contacted me about a problem, that it shows only a black screen instead of actual content. I am unable to reproduce the error, although I tried on several computers that are available to me.

But the problem has been also brought to my attention by users, and honestly I have no idea what is the reason. There are no errors, the app does not crash, apparently while in black screen users can still access Settings Charm and pages that are available from there. Splashscreen and extended splash screen are a no show as well.

Can you help? If you need additional information just ask. I am clueless atm...

How to use the installed certificate (InstallCertificateAsync)?

Yes, I've seen it. But there is no example shows how to use the certificate。

The full path must be less than 260 characters long - Case RS on SharePoint 2010 mode

I have SharePoint 2010 and SQL Server 2008 R2 in single server.

This is new environment. I have configured report services and sharepoint libraries. Reporting Services Configuration Manager confirms that Report Server Mode is SharePint integrated.

Now I have created a report with Visual Studio. Reports looks fine in Preview. The name of report is ABCDE Test Report.rdl

When I click Deploy I get following error. What is wrong?

The path of the item '/http://dev/sites/CompanySite/RaportLibrary/Forms/AllItems.aspx' is not valid. The full path must be less than 260 characters long; other restrictions apply. If the report server is in native mode, the path must start with slash.


show Pie Chart with hard coded values


I need to give demo of piechart in ssrs,is any method to give hardcoded values for the graph,and to give demo?Please help.I need hard coded values for category and series fields and count



SharePoint 2010 Foundation Error after deploy incompatible custom solution

may i know where to look for the web.config for the site?

I found one at "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\80", i don't think that is the one.

SharePoint 2010 Foundation Error after deploy incompatible custom solution

if your web application is at port 80. you are seeing the right web.config

Let me know if this helps, Ranjoe

Need to have ID in the format, "OSR000001" in a workflow


Try to use the PadLeft Method

to add the right number of '0' after the "OSR" prefix.

const string PREFIX = "OSR";
string myS = "3";
myS = myS.PadLeft(6, '0');
myS = PREFIX + myS;



Please mark my answer if it helped you, I would greatly appreciate it.

Need to have ID in the format, "OSR000001" in a workflow

Hi Brandon,

I need ID to be formatted.. can ID be used in Calculated field?

Need to have ID in the format, "OSR000001" in a workflow

Hi sergio,

In event handler i have got the result successfully, Now i need it in my workflow..

Need to have ID in the format, "OSR000001" in a workflow


Why you can not add the same logic in your WF?



Please mark my answer if it helped you, I would greatly appreciate it.

Need to have ID in the format, "OSR000001" in a workflow

Brandon, result comes for existing items only.. It is not coming if i add new items.. Plz check

Need to have ID in the format, "OSR000001" in a workflow


could you please provide me the steps..

Need to have ID in the format, "OSR000001" in a workflow

Thanks for ur reply Brandon.. I have got the result in the list using item added event.. But i was wondering how to get the same in workflow.. Please help me by providing steps how to proceed

Ping computer

The for statement is incorrect. The code below should work for you.

string[] bping = { "", "" };
for (int i = 0; i < bping.Length; i++)
Ping ping = new Ping();
PingReply pingReply = ping.Send(bping[i].ToString());
Console.WriteLine("Status: {0}", pingReply.Status + " " + pingReply.Address);

Ping computer

int[] should be string[].

And you must press enter when the first Ping comes to the result, because you've used "Console.ReadLine()".

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Ping computer

for (int i = 0; 1<bping.Length; i++), in the second phrase u are saying value less than 1.. so try this..

int[] bping = { "", "" };

for (int i = 0; 1<=bping.Length; i++)
Ping ping = new Ping();
PingReply pingReply = ping.Send(bping[i].ToString());

Console.WriteLine("Status: {0}", pingReply.Status + " " + pingReply.Address);


Thanks! Sundar Please use Marked as Answer if my post solved your problem and use Vote As Helpful if a post was useful."

Ping computer

U can also use this one... 1 seems not set well in this contex

int[] bping = { "", "" };

for (int i = 0; i<bping.Length; i++)
Ping ping = new Ping();
PingReply pingReply = ping.Send(bping[i].ToString());

Console.WriteLine("Status: {0}", pingReply.Status + " " + pingReply.Address);


t ..

Thanks! Sundar Please use Marked as Answer if my post solved your problem and use Vote As Helpful if a post was useful."

how this sample embedded dll to exe?

hello guys.

I recently download "Office 2007 Ribbon Active Project". Then I opened ribbon sample and I didn't see any referenced file (dll) in the debug folder.

I tried to add System.Windows.Forms.Ribbon class library to my project but my project exe file contains that referenced dll file. :(

anyone can help me how embedded that reference dll to my project like ribbon sample? :(

sorry for my bad language. :(


how this sample embedded dll to exe?


Did you followed this linked properly, they have gave an detail information about how to use Ribbon Control.

I tried to follow the same instructions and i succeeded, try to download it from this link and try again.

Thanks & Regards, Syed Amjad, Sr. Silverlight/WPF Developer, yahoo :, skype : syedamjad.0786.

pivot statement

Try this,

SELECT sequence, '['+cast(fromdays as nvarchar) + '-' + cast(todays as nvarchar)+']' as concatefield FROM #tabB
) as x
max(concatefield) FOR sequence IN ([1],[2],[3])

Regards, RSingh

Page Break between two sub-reports in the same group

Thank you Charlie for your reply. But we are using SSRS 2005. Please let me know how to do this in 2005. Thank you again

How to implement new edited schema settings to older libraries?

i have modified shema.xml file, a field title settings ShowinNewForm="TRUE" from false. and now this works only when i create new library but all old existing library don't get this new changed atribute.

so how to push this setting to older existing library?

How to implement new edited schema settings to older libraries?

Hi SpZam,

Base on my test, the script you provide is only works for SharePoint list form, but it doesn’t apply for custom list forms and InfoPath forms.

(SharePoint list form can be created this way:

Open new form page from SharePoint Designer > Insert > SharePoint > List Form > Select target list …


To hide the column from custom list form, we can use JavaScript.

Thanks & Regards,


Emir Liu

TechNet Community Support

How to implement new edited schema settings to older libraries?

How to make it work for custom list,

and sharepoint designer isn't option.



Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Query Response Time

There are lots of things under the carpet on your Performance test strategy.

Could you please let us know the below:

1. What tool are you using for Performance test? LR / VSTS etc...

2. Are you using any application to invoke the query or directly from SSMS(I doubt this)? Former case, its includes the time taken at application layer also, it makes sense on your request. You need to do profiling to identify the time taken for each layer. There are couple of products in the market for the same like Dottrace, Dynatrace etc.

Please use Marked as Answer if my post solved your problem and use Vote As Helpful if a post was useful.

FlipView: first item always briefly visible

I'm using a Flipview to display a detailed view of items in a collection, much like in the standard Grid Application template. That is, the items are displayed in a gridview, and when one of the items is clicked, I navigate to a page that contains a FlipView, which is bound to the same group of items, and I set the selected item based on the navigationparameter passed to the page. This is exactly like in the application template.

However, the gridview always briefly selects and displays the very first item in the collection, and then switches to the selected item. Which means that for a fraction of a second, the first item is visible. It's short, but noticable. I checked the SelectionChanged event and indeed, as soon as you navigate to the page it fires, and the first item in the collection is in the SelectionChangedEventArgs.AddedItems collection. Then immediately after that it fires again for the item you actually selected.

Is there a way to prevent the FlipView from selecting and/or displaying the first item in the collection -before- you set the SelectedItem property? I've tried setting the flipview's visibility to collapsed and only setting it to visible when the navigation parameter matches the added item in SelectionChanged, but it's not working either. Any thoughts?

FlipView: first item always briefly visible

Thanks, it's a pain, and I don't like messing with the underlying collection, but it looks like it's necessary to work around this bug. Hope this'll get fixed in a future update.

FlipView: first item always briefly visible

Is there a place on Connect where we can report this behavior though? It's obviously a bug, and an annoying one at that.

FlipView: first item always briefly visible

An alternative temporary and not very intrusive fix consists in :

1.- Declaring your <FlipView x:Name="flipView" Opacity=0.0 ...>

2.- Having the following code-behind:

bool isLoaded = false;
private void flipView_SelectionChanged_1(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)
if (this.isLoaded && flipView.Opacity != 1.0)
Dispatcher.RunIdleAsync((a) => { flipView.Opacity = 1.0; }).AsTask();
int INDEX_ITEM_DISPLAYED_INITIALLY = 1; // '1' should be the index mandated by _your_ business case
private void flipView_Loaded_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
this.isLoaded = true;
flipView.SelectedIndex = this.INDEX_ITEM_DISPLAYED_INITIALLY;
private void flipView_Unloaded_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
this.isLoaded = false;

FlipView: first item always briefly visible

Sorry to have been too elliptic. Do the updated code snippets do the trick?

FlipView: first item always briefly visible

That did the trick! Amazing! Waiting until the LoadState was finished did the trick: the problem was that SelectionChanged would be fired before LoadState had finished running, which is something I hadn't expected to happen. Your idea to wait until the selectedItem was set in Loadstate and then updating a member field to let SelectionChanged know it is okay to show the flipview absolutely did the trick. Many, many thanks! This really got rid of a major eyesore. :)

One question though: any reason for setting the Opacity in a different thread?

FlipView: first item always briefly visible

I don't know why but this isn't working for me :(

FlipView: first item always briefly visible

I've found that it's extremely fiddly. Basically I've had to just debug it over and over and set this.isLoaded to true in various places and under various conditions. And then when you change something, all bets are off again and you'll have to test and tweak it rigorously again to make sure it's still working. It's a pain.

The team really needs to fix this control because this is hardly workable. I'm at the point that I'm planning to skip flipview in future apps because it just sucks op too much time to make it work. Is there somewhere on Connect where we can report this issue?

FlipView: first item always briefly visible

I've now reported this on Connect as there didn't seem to be a reported bug for this.

FlipView: first item always briefly visible

Microsoft are asking for a demo project to reproduce the problem. Does anyone have anything simple that they would be willing for me to submit to the Connect ticket?

If not, I'll try to put something together but it may take me some time as development is a hobby for me.


FlipView: first item always briefly visible

I`ve got a nice simple example of the problem. I`ll see if I can get around to sending it to you tomorrow.

FlipView: first item always briefly visible

I've managed to provide a repro to the Connect Team, actually using code that comes with VS2012 :-).

It will be interesting to see what Microsoft say about this. The link to the bug and the comments is above.


Date Parameters for Subscription

I am trying to setup a subscription for a SSRS Report.

Both subscriptions have two date parameters.

I tried to set the parameters for the report subscription but the server does not accept it



Thank you,


Date Parameters for Subscription

Can you try this :



- Girija

Multi parmeter values dispalying in report header or designer in SSRS using SSAS Cube

Hi Ramesh,

Use the expression in report header as




Thanks in advance, Akhila Vasishta

Want to attach JQuery library to webpart


where is the proper place to attach jquery. I want to use it for validation of a form in a webpart.


Want to attach JQuery library to webpart


Actually the _layouts is a folder which is in 14 hive("C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14"). So all our application related files are deployed to this folder of Sharepoint Server when we created a mapped folder in our solution.

Please see following article for adding mapped folder to your solution:

Please don't forget to 'mark answer/propose answer' or 'vote as helpful' as appropriate.

Want to attach JQuery library to webpart


There are many ways you can attach JQuery, it depends on your requirement.

For more information, see

Best Regards.

Kelly Chen

TechNet Community Support

How to create a list using webpart in shaepoint 2010

Hi Everyone,

I want to create a List using a web part on that Add and Edit button functionality i want.

Please help me in this, its very important for me.



Thousands separator as per local user settings (i.e. comma(,) or apostrophe (‘) etc…) in SSRS


May I know how to achieve thousands separator as per local user settings (i.e. comma(,) or apostrophe (‘) etc…) in SSRS

Thanks an dRegards,


Thousands separator as per local user settings (i.e. comma(,) or apostrophe (‘) etc…) in SSRS

On your report set the Language to be =User!Language in the report properties for a start.

Does this help?

How many Users hitting SharePoint??

Is there any way that we can check given below

  1. How many users are connected on SharePoint Farm?

  2. How many users hits on SharePoint Sites today/per week?

SharePoint List Column Header Filter not Working

when I try to filter the list by clicking on header arrow, it keep showing Loading... as following

any help please

The important thing is not to stop questioning - Albert Einstein

SharePoint List Column Header Filter not Working

I found the Solution :

We had the same issue, some people could get the filters to work but others

couldn't. It turns out some were referring to the server in the URL using its

Web application Name (e.g http://Sharepointsite/sites/ sitename) whilst others

were using its FQDN (e.g. http://windowsservername/ sites/sitename.

The latter were failing to load the _layouts/filters.aspx correctly. Try

checking you are using the Web Application Name in the URL


The important thing is not to stop questioning - Albert Einstein

How can i display of list of controls available to a Form in a ComboBox Control

When you switch to a certain project, the available tools are shown in front of you. Otherwises if you add a control that isn't available in the project, you cannot see that:

When u right click on the toolbox list and choose "Show All"——All the controls will be listed, but most of them are "hidden" or "virtual" to you.

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How can i display of list of controls available to a Form in a ComboBox Control

Yeah i know that thanks AllReplies

But using your image there in your reply, Add combobox1 control

and for the Button_Click event, what code would you need to display in Combobox1 a list of the available controls (Show All) in the Tool box?

How can i display of list of controls available to a Form in a ComboBox Control

What do u mean?

Do u wanna choose a proper event handler function for a special control's event?

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How can i display of list of controls available to a Form in a ComboBox Control

No i just want to make an app that will display in a combobox the controls listed in the toolbox of the visual basic IDE

Report server data source stored credentials won't work


I'm trying to use stored credentials on a report server data source but when I test the connection I get an error: "Log on failed. Ensure the user name and password are correct." I'm trying to get the data source to connect to a SQL Server 2008 R2 instance.

The account I'm trying to use as stored credentials is a Windows account. I have tested the account against the SQL server instance by logging into SharePoint with that account and using Windows authentication on the data source. That way the data source works just fine. What am I missing here?

Report server data source stored credentials won't work

Report server data source stored credentials won't work

Please try to address the actual problem instead of linking to elementary information.

Accessing Values Using Reflection in C#

Hi Syed.Amjad,

I followed the code above. but I am getting a null reference exception.

Type _myType = assembly.GetType(classToInstantiate);

object ci = Activator.CreateInstance(_myType);

PropertyInfo prop = _myType.GetProperty("TABLE");

Array arr = (Array)prop.GetValue(ci, null);

I am getting a null value in prop.

Available Filters Values With Specified Ranges

Q1. You can filter the dataset with between as the operator OR you can do it with the SQL at source itself. Use 2 parameters from and to and pass the values.

Q2. Make it a vertical graph and align the labels to rotate.

Microsoft Partner Services Organization

Thousands separator as per local user settings (i.e. comma(,) or apostrophe (‘) etc…) in SSRS


May I know how to achieve thousands separator as per local user settings (i.e. comma(,) or apostrophe (‘) etc…) in SSRS

Thanks an dRegards,


How will do dynamically select the reports if have more than one report in report designer ?

Hi ,

Actually In my report contains three table reports.

So when user want to see first table report then remaining two table reports are invisible.

and again ,

user want to see second table report then remaining two table reports are invisible

How will i go through resolve this issue?

How will do dynamically select the reports if have more than one report in report designer ?

Create trend analysis report in SSRS


The above image looks like Sparkline with Markers.But in SSRS,I am not sure whether you will be able to display labels along with markers.

sathya --------- Mark as answered if my post solved your problem and Vote as helpful if my post was useful.

How to create a list using webpart in shaepoint 2010

Hi Everyone,

I want to create a List using a web part on that Add and Edit button functionality i want.

Please help me in this, its very important for me.



How to display details from the workflow initiation form into task list

This video demonstrates how to get your initiation form data into SharePoint, using the association form data as an example:

If puzzles are good for your BRAIN then SharePoint will keep it really healthy!

Ramona Maxwell MCPD SharePoint 2010, MCITP SQL Server 2008

SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser gives System.IO.FileNotFoundException


I am not sure why we get an System.IO.FileNotFoundException, but I have seen examples catching that exception to determine that the user doesn't have permission.

See link below

Regards, Rahul Vartak |

SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser gives System.IO.FileNotFoundException


I have gone through link already.

When this code runs from SP doclib then this issue is shown.

But when this code is running from webparts then SPUSer is shown properly.

PS:Current user has rights to SPListItem.


Not able to add two filtername with filtermultivalue on search

Hi Mahesh

Thanks for your response.

I had gone through those links already,it doesnt seem to work.

Can you suggest any other solution ?

Not able to add two filtername with filtermultivalue on search

hi Zack Sherif,

is your column name is "CalculatedProcedureName&ProcedureNumber"? The below search condition is wrong

please Specify Exactly your column name as filtername.

FilterName=CalculatedProcedureName&ProcedureNumber&FilterMultiValue=*"+ txtFilterValue + "*";


Gunesh v

Not able to add two filtername with filtermultivalue on search

hi Zack Sherif,

is your column name is "CalculatedProcedureName&ProcedureNumber"? The below search condition is wrong

please Specify Exactly your column name as filtername.

FilterName=CalculatedProcedureName&ProcedureNumber&FilterMultiValue=*"+ txtFilterValue + "*";


Gunesh v

My Columns Names are:



So should the condition be:

FilterName=ProcedureName&ProcedureNumber&FilterMultiValue=*"+ txtFilterValue + "*";

How can i display of list of controls available to a Form in a ComboBox Control

I would like to have a combobox on Form that displays a list of all the controls available for use in designing forms.

beginners question time C#

Hi KeeF,

You can try to recreate the same kind of C# project, and then copy the codes of the old one, and paste them into the new project.

Many Thanks & Best Regards, Hua Min

Accessing Values Using Reflection in C#


Follow the below code.

// get type of class Calculator from just loaded assembly

Type calcType = testAssembly.GetType("Test.Calculator");

// create instance of class Calculator

object calcInstance = Activator.CreateInstance(calcType);

// get info about property: public double Number

PropertyInfo numberPropertyInfo = calcType.GetProperty("Number");

// get value of property: public double Number

double value = (double)numberPropertyInfo.GetValue(calcInstance, null);

Syed Amjad Sr. Silverlight Developer yahoo : skype : syedamjad.0786

Selecing Particular records from table

Are you going to Select top 2 based on Desc field? Meaning Sort has to be based on "Desc" Sorted ASC.

What about condition for selecting one from the rest. What is your condition?

Best Wishes, Arbi; Please vote if you find this posting was helpful or Mark it as answered.

beginners question time C#

Please post the code in which you werer trying to launch the external application.

Kish Learning never ends!! Please don't forget to click "Mark As Answer" for the post in which you found your solution.

Monday, May 27, 2013

c# arrays

thanks sundar

Issue in SSAS cube hierarchy parameter in SSRS

I am using SSAS cube as data source in SSRS. Version is SQL server 2008 R2
In cube, there is hierarchy which is child and parent relationship. It has about 10 levels.
The hierarchy I want to make as parameter in SSRS.
In Query Designer, I have selected parameter check box for hierarchy in dimension.
My questions are here
1.I do not see multi select check box option
2.It is not loading hierarchy values into dropdown check box when run the report.
It will be great helpful if you help on this
Thanks in advance

c# arrays

can anyone tell me what is the exact use of ref and out keywords in C# and when to use them?

c# arrays

They both indicate that the parameter is being passed by reference. The difference is in the compiler's application of the definite assignment analysis step.

Thanks! Sundar "Please use Marked as Answer if my post solved your problem and use Vote As Helpful if a post was useful."

Merging two rows into single row

How do you corelate with Feb and MAr? Whats the significance of scenario?

Please help us to help you better.

Please use Marked as Answer if my post solved your problem and use Vote As Helpful if a post was useful.

Number of Weeks

Yes this is O2, stands for Column O and row 2 were the records located.

It always stop the week at saturday.


March 1, 2013= week 1

March 2, 2013= week 1

March 3, 2013 to March 9, 2013= week 2

March 9, 2013 to March 15 = week 3

and so on.

Number of Weeks

Try this one,

---------------------------- Method 1
SET @dt = '05/01/2013'
SET @WeekOfMonth = (DAY(@dt) + (DATEPART(dw, DATEADD (MONTH, DATEDIFF (MONTH, 0, @dt), 0)) -1) -1)/7 + 1
PRINT @WeekOfMonth
----------------------------- Method 2
SET @dt = '05/01/2013'
SET @WeekOfMonth = DATEDIFF(week, DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, 0, @dt), 0), @dt) +1
PRINT @WeekOfMonth

Regards, RSingh

Number of Weeks

Yes Tom. Can be use excel formula and convert it to SQL. Thank you.

Create database for student managment to create database for student management

Create database for student managment

i am new to .net


How to create new termset using Client Object model


I want to add new term in Taxonomy term store programmatically using client object model and befoe adding new term I also like to validate that new term is exist or not, please let me know how can I do this?

I saw this url, where I understand how to add new term, but it does not give idea that how validate that new term is exist or not?

Please advise


typedef union of C/C++ to C#

C# doesn't have Union... type can be replaced with using as :

using MyTypeName = System.Int32;

Thanks! Sundar "Please use Marked as Answer if my post solved your problem and use Vote As Helpful if a post was useful."

DLL not compiling again

HI Guys,

I have decompiled one of my dll’s with .Net Reflector .

Then I exported the source code and opened it with VS 2012.

Then I removed the old references and added the new references (even keeping the old references gives me the same error on build)

Then I build my solution and it gave me below errors.

Any ideas how to solve the above errors?

Your help is appreciated.


Gitesh Shah

DLL not compiling again

Add references to the assembly which exports EntityBase, DocumentEntity, etc

Paul Linton

DLL not compiling again

Add proper using Statments

A.m.a.L Hashim

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional

My Blog - Dot Net Goodies

DLL not compiling again

Thanks Paul for the quick reply.

Could it point me to a link which I can look at or an example please.

As this project was not built by me , I am feeling as if I am lost on it.

How do I find which Assembly references to EntityBase?


Gitesh Shah

Merging two rows into single row

How do you corelate with Feb and MAr? Whats the significance of scenario?

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Waht deos curly braces mean

As Latheesh wrote, it is a placeholder in C#

String.Format("Here comes a {0}", "Placeholder")

Olaf Helper

Blog Xing

Create database for student managment to create database for student management

Create database for student managment

i am new to .net


Empty User field programatically in SharePoint 2010

I have to clear value in User field of a list item in SharePoint 2010 programatically. I'm trying to set it null like listItem[fldname]=null; but it's not working out. Please help me.

Sreenivasa Chandan

Empty User field programatically in SharePoint 2010

Hi Sergio,

When I try to that I get the following error

Value cannot be null.

Parameter name: source

Sreenivasa Chandan

int arry check for all odd or even??


Waht deos curly braces mean

This is a C# question

That said presumably it means whatever is in table.Name, so if table.Name contains 'Orders' then the above would translate to SELECT 1 FROM [dbo].[Orders]