Thursday, May 30, 2013

Merging two rows into single row

Try the below:

Drop table T11,T12
Create Table T11(Col1 int,Col2 int)
Insert into T11 Values (100,101),(1234,1235)
Create Table T12(S1 int,S2 int)
Insert into T12
Create Table #Result(Col1 int,Col2 int)
;With cte
Select *,ROW_NUMBER()Over(partition by A.Col1 Order by B.S2 desc) Rn From T11 A
Inner Join T12 B on (A.Col1 = B.S1 OR A.Col2 = B.S1)
)Insert Into #Result(Col1,Col2)
Select Case when S1 = Col1 Then Col1 Else Col2 End,
From cte Where Rn=1

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