Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Win 8.1 Samples: HttpClient Not Opening

I drilled down to the HttpClient write-up under Networking, and found that I needed to start a Command Prompt as admin, then run the following PowerShell script. Note that if you try to run the following in a PowerShell window, rather than an admin Command Prompt window, you get all sorts of errors you can avoid:

PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -File SetupServer.ps1

I successfully ran the script, and also updated by Path environment variable to include the HttpClientSample directory. I then restarted VS2013, and still have the same problem.

I hope someone has a point to show me I'm just missing something. Right now, this sample look unusable.

Any pointers? I did verify I have the Windows 8.1 samples, not the Windows 8.0 samples.


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