Friday, June 27, 2014

Create Multiple SPGroups in all the subsites if the SPGroups doesn't exist

For few hours of thinking, I have created the script and here i am sharing it which may be helpful for the others.

#Create an XML with all the details for the new Groups and menbers for the groups

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Group name="GroupA" description="Test GroupA" PermissionLevel="Contribute">
<Group name="GroupB" description="Test GroupB" PermissionLevel="Read">

#Now create a script file with the below script

#Get Site and Web objects
$site = get-spsite https://portal/site/Test/

#Get all the sub sites under the web
foreach($web in $site.allwebs)
#Get XML file containing groups and associated users
$groupsXML = [xml] (Get-Content ("C:\Temp\Groups.XML"))

#Walk through each group node defined in the XML file
$groupsXML.Groups.Group | ForEach-Object {

[string]$permissionLevel = $_.PermissionLevel

#Check to see if SharePoint group already exists in the site collection
if ($web.SiteGroups[$] -eq $null)
#If the SharePoint group doesn't exist already - create it from the name and description values at the node
$web.SiteGroups.Add($, $web.CurrentUser, $null, $_.description)
$newGroup = $web.SiteGroups[$]

#Get SharePoint group from the site collection
$group = $web.SiteGroups[$]

#Add the users defined in the XML to the SharePoint group
$_.Users.User | ForEach-Object {
$group.AddUser($_, "", "", "")

$roleAssignment = new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPRoleAssignment($group)
$roleDefinition = $web.Site.RootWeb.RoleDefinitions[$permissionLevel]


Write-Host "Group Name: "$group" Created at site: " $web.url

#Dispose of Web and Site objects

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