When i try to build a report in SQL 2012 Reporting it works fine^
Select distinct sys.Netbios_Name0,sys.User_Name0, sys.Operating_System_Name_and0, arp.DisplayName0
FROM v_R_System sys
JOIN v_Add_Remove_Programs arp ON sys.ResourceID = arp.ResourceID
JOIN v_FullCollectionMembership fcm on sys.ResourceID=fcm.ResourceID
WHERE DisplayName0 like '%Microsoft Office%'
and DisplayName0 NOT like '%Update%'
and DisplayName0 NOT like '%Service%'
and DisplayName0 NOT like '%Components%'
and DisplayName0 NOT like '%MUI%'
and DisplayName0 NOT like '%Proof%'
and DisplayName0 NOT like '%File Validation%'
and DisplayName0 NOT like '%korrekturhilfen%'
and DisplayName0 NOT like '%Language Pack%'
order by DisplayName0
But if I try to set a condition
and DisplayName0 NOT like '%ANY_RUSSIAN_TEXT%'
where ANY_RUSSIAN_TEXT is some letters in Russian language, then this filter does not work and shows results which contains ANY_RUSSIAN_TEXT in DisplayName0 field.
Question: How should i set the SQL condition or maybe some SQL Reporting settings to make this query working?
If answer is helpful, please mark as answer or hit the green arrow on the left.
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