Maybe this article http://ift.tt/1ytvTlh is what you explained in your first example.
And to achieve what you need, you can refer to the following article:
public object DynamicDllFunctionInvoke( string DllPath, string EntryPoint )
// Version string definition
byte[] verstr = new byte[1024];
//Define return type of your dll function.
Type returnType = typeof(int);
//out or in parameters of your function.
Type [] parameterTypes = {typeof(byte[])};
object[] parameterValues = {verstr};
string entryPoint = entrypoint;
// Create a dynamic assembly and a dynamic module
AssemblyName asmName = new AssemblyName();
asmName.Name = "tempDll";
AssemblyBuilder dynamicAsm =
ModuleBuilder dynamicMod =
// Dynamically construct a global PInvoke signature
// using the input information
MethodBuilder dynamicMethod = dynamicMod.DefinePInvokeMethod(
entryPoint, DllPath, MethodAttributes.Static | MethodAttributes.Public
| MethodAttributes.PinvokeImpl , CallingConventions.Standard,
returnType, parameterTypes, CallingConvention.Winapi,
// This global method is now complete
// Get a MethodInfo for the PInvoke method
MethodInfo mi = dynamicMod.GetMethod(EntryPoint);
// Invoke the static method and return whatever it returns
object retval = mi.Invoke(null, parameterValues);
// Filled verstr paramter.
return retval;
You may also want to know reflection by refer to the following article:
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