Sunday, February 1, 2015

Missing Header Row When Exporting Data to Excel and Program Runs Slow

Hi Dave,

For question 1: Please try the following code, using HeaderText property to add header to Excel.

// storing header part in Excel

for (int i = 1; i < dataGridView1.Columns.Count + 1; i++)
if (dataGridView1.Columns[i - 1].Visible)
worksheet.Cells[1, i] = dataGridView1.Columns[i - 1].HeaderText;

For question 2: Yes, I have also met the same issue before. after some search, please refer to

Export Sql data to Excel very slow

Option 1:

See this answer . Use a library called ClosedXML to write the data to Excel.

Option 2:

Get a range big enough for all of the data and set the value equal to a 2 dimensional range. This works very fast without another referencing another library.

And note op read the data from DataTable not DataGridView.

string conString = "Data Source=DELL\\SQLSERVER1*******";

SqlConnection sqlCon = new SqlConnection(conString);

SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter("Select *****from*****", sqlCon);

System.Data.DataTable dtMainSQLData = new System.Data.DataTable();


Best regards,


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