Hi forum,
I hope, it's the right place for my question:
I want to run a powershell script using xp_cmdshell, put the results into a temp table and do some additional stuff.
I'm using:
CREATE TABLE #DrvLetter ( iid int identity(1,1) primary key ,Laufwerk char(500), ) INSERT INTO #DrvLetter EXEC xp_cmdshell 'powershell.exe -noprofile -command "gwmi -Class win32_volume | ft capacity, freespace, caption -a"' select * from #DrvLetter
SQL server is cutting off the output, what I get is (consider the 3 dots at the end of a line):
11817447424 8872448000 C:\ProgramFiles\MicrosoftDPM\DPM\Volumes\Replic...
Running the script on the powershell console: "gwmi -Class win32_volume | ft capacity, freespace, caption -a" I get the rigth output:
11817447424 8872448000 C:\Program Files\Microsoft DPM\DPM\Volumes\Replica\BR1A.be009.xxxxx.yyy\SqlServerWriter\PROD\XXX_XXX_XXX_OLAP\
Using: gwmi -Class win32_volume | ft capacity, freespace, caption -a | out-string -width 200
doesn't help...
Am I doing something wrong?
Thanks for your help
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