Friday, June 28, 2013

SSRS report grouping issue


It seems that the two datasets in your report share two fileds: "DEPT" and "USER", and you group the data in the two tables by the fileds above. If I understand correctly, you want to separate the details row in the two table based on the group instance.

For example, in the first page of the report, it display the "Claim data" for userA in first table and "check data" for userA in the second table; in the second page of the report, it dispalys detail data for UserB in the two table, and so on.

If so, you can move the two tables into a List control and group the list by "DEPT" and "USER": right-click the detail group of the List in Grouping pane, and then sepcify the filed you want to grouping by. You can specify page break for each instance of the group in List control.



Fanny Liu

Fanny Liu

TechNet Community Support

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