Friday, August 30, 2013

how to access an XAML control from code

here is the class with the changes

public class Viapoints : INotifyPropertyChanged

private string _simpleAddress;
private string civicNumber;
private string civicName;
private string civicCity;
private string civicPostalCode;
private string civicProvince;
private string viaType;

public Viapoints()


public Viapoints(string simpleAddress, string viatype)
this._simpleAddress = simpleAddress;
this.ViaType = viatype;

public Viapoints(string cnumber, string cname, string ccity,string cpostalcode, string cprovince)
this.civicNumber = cnumber;
this.civicName = cname;
this.civicCity = ccity;
this.civicPostalCode = cpostalcode;
this.civicProvince = cprovince;

public string SimpleAddress
get { return _simpleAddress; }
set { _simpleAddress = value;

public string ViaType
get { return viaType; }
set { viaType = value; }

public string CivicNumber
get { return civicNumber; }
set { civicNumber = value; }

public string CivicName
get { return civicName; }
set { civicName = value; }

public string CivicCity
get { return civicCity; }
set { civicCity = value; }

public string CivicPostalCode
get { return civicPostalCode; }
set { civicPostalCode = value; }

public string CivicProvince
get { return civicProvince; }
set { civicProvince = value; }

public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
private void NotifyPropertyChanged([CallerMemberName] String propertyName = "")
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));


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