Friday, August 30, 2013

I have two XML documents, identical in structure. If a element value in A is different than B, then it needs to be copied to B (or a copy of B).


I have two XML documents, identical in structure. If a element value in A is different than B, then it needs to be copied to B (or a copy of B).

The solution can be using either xmlDocument or XDocument, I'm not particular as long as it works. I'm using **framework 4.0**, so I guess XDocument is the more modern approach.

So it seems logical to me that I would traverse every node/element of document A, and then query the same in B and compare values, and if different, then the A element value gets copied to the same element in B (or a copy of B).

I'm a total newbie with querying XML documents in **C#**, so I thought I'd ask here to save time.



Barry O'Neill

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