Sunday, August 31, 2014

Looping is very slow on large data set

Question: Can there ever be more than two rows you have to merge in a single data set?

I have a simplified example. You will have to forgive me for not using your exact table structure for this example. I just wanted something simple to illustrate the concept.

you should be able to adapt this approach to your solution.

set ansi_warnings off

set nocount on

declare @t as table (

JobKey int not null

,colA char(1)

,colB char(1)

,colC char(1)


--these will merge
insert into @t values (1,'a' ,'' ,null)

insert into @t values (1,'a' ,null,'c' )

insert into @t values (1,' ' ,'b' ,null)

--these will NOT merge (i suppose you could argue that the 1st two could be merged)
insert into @t values (2,'x' ,null,null)

insert into @t values (2,'x' ,null,'z' )

insert into @t values (2,'w' ,'y' ,'K' )

--these will merge
insert into @t values (3,'c' ,'' ,' ' )

insert into @t values (3,'c' ,'d' ,' ' )

insert into @t values (3,'c' ,null,'e' )

--first, let's get replaces the spaces with null
update @t

set colA=case when LEN (ltrim (rtrim (colA))) > 0 then colA end

,colB=case when LEN (ltrim (rtrim (colB))) > 0 then colB end

,colC=case when LEN (ltrim (rtrim (colC))) > 0 then colC end


with cteClean(JobKey, colA, colB, colC)



select JobKey,MIN(colA),MIN(colB),MIN(colC)

from @t

group by JobKey

having COUNT(distinct(colA))=1

and COUNT(distinct(colB))=1

and COUNT(distinct(colC))=1


select * from cteClean


select * from @t t where t.JobKey not in (select c.jobkey from cteClean c)


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