Thursday, August 29, 2013

Using Arrays with Classes


I have the following code that will search through Active Directory and return users to a DataTable.

string[] rowArrary = new string[userProperties.Length];
foreach (SearchResult searchResult in results)
for (int i = 0; i < userProperties.Length; i++)
if (searchResult.Properties.Contains(userProperties[i]))
userDetails[i] = searchResult.Properties[userProperties[i]][0].ToString();
rowArrary[i] = userDetails[i];

userProperties is an array of all the properties I am searching for in Active Directory and userDetails is the class I have for each returned employee. The code works, but the problem is because I'm putting it in an array, I cannot change the returned values in the class. For instance, the Manager vaule I have a function to modify the DN to show the DisplayName.

public string Manager
get { return _manager; }
set { _manager = GetUserByDN(value); }

Code I have for the GetUserByDN method.

public static string GetUserByDN(string dn)
SearchResult results = null;
string path = LDAP://DOMAIN;
DirectoryEntry entry = new DirectoryEntry(path);
DirectorySearcher search = new DirectorySearcher(entry);
//search.Filter = "(&(objectClass=user)(anr=" + fullCN + "))";
search.Filter = "(&(objectClass=user)(distinguishedname=" + dn + "))";
results = search.FindOne();
if (results != null)
return results.Properties[ADProperties.DISPLAYNAME][0].ToString();
return null;
catch (Exception ex)
string debug = ex.Message;
return null;

I have other returned Active Directory properties I would like to modify. What is the best way to accomplish. I'm thinking I need to rework my code from the beginning.



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