Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Problem with StaticResources

Hi Sekeepa,

>> Is there any other possibility to allow the integrator to customize the Page (besides of implementing a huge bunch of Dependency Properties or importing the DefaultStyles.xaml and overriding its defined Key Resources, like I'm doing right now)?

Based on my knowledge, you are using the correct way to share stuff with ResourceDictionary. In this case, you may have some advanced scenarios, you can implement a class that can have different behavior than the XAML resource reference lookup behavior. For this purpose, you implement the class CUstomXamlResourceLoader.

You can see more information about it from http://ift.tt/1w1vOaO. See Custom resource lookup section.

Try have a look at the code sample about using resource. http://ift.tt/1zFWnC2.


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