Monday, September 30, 2013

UPDATE lock on table

I have query like this:

;WITH CTE AS(SELECT col1, col2,.... FROM dbo.table t1 INNER JOIN dbo.table t2...INNER JOIN table t3 WITH (UPDLOCK)...)
SELECT col1 from CTE c INNER JOIN CTE c1 ON ....

I have put UPDLOCK on one table, which I can see in other window. There is U key lock and IU PAGE lock on that table. Everything as expected.

But if I update the row which is selected in some other window, the update will succeed.

If i write just the select query which is inside CTE:

SELECT col1, col2,.... FROM dbo.table t1 INNER JOIN dbo.table t2...INNER JOIN table t3 WITH (UPDLOCK)...)

the similar U key lock and IU page lock is putted on the same table, but this time I can't update the same row.

How is that possible? Does it put update lock on some different row in first case, because the query is inside CTE?

How can I see, which row (id) is locked if I have resource description :(bffced99e570) beside key lock? Does anybody has the query?

Thanks, Simon

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