Wednesday, July 30, 2014

How can i manage lots of Data Entry in XAML C# ?

I have a Windows C# application which captures a lot of data, probably around 30-40 pieces of info per insert, depending on what is being added to the database, this can grow or shrink.

The controls are mostly Combo boxes, and Edit boxes.

These combos/edits are grouped in group boxes, and separated in Tabs.So that the End-user has everything on the screen in front of them, and they click a tab to just go into a different section to fill out extra details...

There are no Tab Controls in a XAML Store App, so is the only solution to have 4 or 5 pages that the user navigates from a main Navigation screen with lets say 5 buttons that take them to which ever section they need to fill out at that moment?

Does anyone have a link to a good demo on how to solve presenting a user with lots of data entry controls in a store App

any help is greatly appreciated.

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