Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Any way to control MediaTranscoder while it requesting samples from MediaStreamSource ?

Hello Dmitry,

Unfortunately I don't think your current solution is going to give you the output you are looking for. The file header may not contain the necessary information about the additional files that you are trying to append. Because of this you are going to need to find a different solution to your problem.

It is relatively easy to implement a video editing system using the SourceReader and SinkWriter. These two components allow you to read multiple arbitrary streams and send them to a single output. You can use the SourceReader to open and trim all of your source files and you can use the SinkWriter to combine them into a single file. The SourceReady can be used to decode the files to a single uncompressed format that you can pass to the SinkWriter to compress the data. Keep in mind that you can't edit compressed video unless you are sure that the source file is chunked appropriately and that you are only appending at the beginning of chunks.

Source Reader

Sink Writer

I hope this helps,


Windows SDK Technologies - Microsoft Developer Services -

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